Fruttberry organic food mixes are created from responsibly and carefully selected, balanced ingredients that are grown on organic farms and found in nature. In short - #allnatural. The blends are rich in lyophilised berries, fruits, vegetables, spices, herbs, grain cultures, mushrooms, and other adaptogens. All these natural products are presented in lyophilised or dried powder form so that the active ingredients can be absorbed quickly and conveniently.

Fruttberry blends are a true bomb of vitamins! That is because they are made using the lyophilisation method - a preservation technique that increases the concentration of vitamins and other beneficial substances in the product up to tenfold by evaporating all the water during the freeze-drying process (which amounts to about 90% of the total weight of fresh fruit and vegetables). This makes it the ideal way to get a big dose of vitamins in a small portion.

Natural, healthy and also sustainable? Oh yes!

Did you know that most fruit and vegetables only stay fresh for an hour after they are picked? Yes, yes, you read that right. Then, with every kilometre and every minute spent travelling to the stores, they lose more and more nutrients. Therefore, by the time these fruits and vegetables arrive on your kitchen table, they have already lost many of the antioxidants and microelements that your body needs.

So why is Fruttberry better, you ask? Well, because the fruit and vegetables used in our mixes are picked in perfect condition and immediately dried in the cold. This way, all the beneficial substances and vitamins are preserved! And then there is the fact that Fruttberry can confidently call itself a #zero-waste product! The lyophilisation method used to produce the mixes reduces food waste and allows us to offer a long-lasting product. So fill your cupboards at home with Fruttberry mixes and #drinkyourcolors!

Let's meet.

Paulina and Armina, founders of #fruttberry. Two women united by a common goal - healthier eating habits in society. An idea born out of a personal need to #livehealthier today has become a responsible brand dedicated to making a positive change in society's dietary habits.


I'm a mother of three wonderful children, a creator, and a #healthylifestyle promoter.

I've been interested in a healthy lifestyle for a long time, and I've always wanted to keep my #bodyhealthy, energetic, and toned. However, due to my fast-paced lifestyle, which dictates its own conditions and rules, I have not always been able to eat the recommended amount of fruits and vegetables.

Over time, I started to look at other possible alternatives, one of which is lyophilised and low-temperature dried powders of vegetables, fruits, berries and other naturally occurring ingredients. Not only did I love the smoothies I made, but my family enjoyed them too.

I can say that the #fruttberry product was born out of a need to help myself and other people who also want to be healthy but don't have the time, the ability or the knowledge to do so. By creating fruttberry I want to encourage the consumption of fruit and vegetables in everyday life so that it becomes a #healthyhabit.


I'm an entrepreneur and I'm always looking for new opportunities to create, invest, and develop something new. I am interested not only in business but also in #healthylifestyle, longevity, life balance and quality, and positive psychology. I am also a mother of 3 children, so work, family, and hobbies make the pace of life very stressful, and in order to keep up, I have to look for different ways to live a #qualitylife in today's busy world.

As soon as I heard Paulina's idea about the product being developed, I was impressed and believed in it from the first moment. I saw a clear vision in my mind and the relevance of this product: it's an opportunity to maintain a healthy #nutritionbalance in a comfortable, tasty, and stylish way.

I am delighted to have the opportunity to educate people about the importance of eating fruit and vegetables, to contribute to improving their quality of life and to build a healthier society. I believe that fruttberry is the product of the future available today.


To help to "fall in love" with fruits and vegetables

and make eating them a real pleasure;

To provide consumers

with quick and easy access to a wide range of vitamins;

To show that the consumption of fruits and vegetables

can be healthy, modern, and contemporary!


Fruttberry aims to ensure that as many people as possible consume the daily intake of fruit and vegetables recommended by the World Health Organisation (WHO). We believe that by taking small steps, we can encourage everyone to take a little more care of their health and well-being.