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  1. General provisions.

1.1. These rules of purchase and sale of the goods (hereinafter referred to as the Rules) are the legal document obligatory to the Parties establishing the rights, obligations and liability of the Buyer and the Seller when the Buyer purchases the goods in the e-shop.

1.2. The Seller reserves the right at any time to change, amend or complement the rules taking into account the statutory requirements. The Buyer shall be informed in the website of the e-shop. The Buyer shall be subject to the Rules when buying the e-shop, valid at the moment of the placement of the order.

1.3. The right to buy in the e-shop shall be granted for:

1.3.1. capable natural persons, i. e. persons who have reached the age of majority, the capability of which has not been restricted by judicial proceedings;

1.3.2. legal persons;

1.3.3. authorized representatives of all the persons mentioned above.

1.4. The Seller confirming the rules guarantees as well that, according to clause 1.3 of the rules, the Buyer is entitled to buy the goods in the e-shop.

1.5. The contract between the Buyer and the Seller shall be considered concluded from the moment when the Buyer clicks on the button "Confirm the Order" (see clause 5 "Ordering of goods, prices, settlement procedure, time limits") having formed the shopping chart, indicating the delivery address, choose the payment method and become aware of the Seller's rules.

1.6. Each contract concluded between the Buyer and the Seller shall be stored in the e-shop.

  1. Protection of personal data.

2.1. The Buyer can order the goods in the e-shop:

2.1.1. by registering in this e-shop - typing the data asked during the registration;

2.1.2. without registration in this e-shop.

2.2. The Buyer ordering the goods in the ways laid down in Clause 2.1 must provide the Buyer's data necessary for the appropriate performance of the order in the data fields provided by the Seller: name, surname, delivery address, telephone number and e-mail address.

2.3. By accepting these rules the Buyer agrees that the Buyer's data provided in Clause 2.2 shall be processed in the e-shop of the sale of goods and services for the purposes of the Seller's activity and direct marketing.

2.4. By agreeing that the Buyer's personal data shall be processed for the purpose of the sale of the goods and services in the Seller's e-shop, the Buyer also agrees that the information notes shall be sent to the e-mail address and telephone number indicated by the Buyer, essential for the performance of the order of the goods.

2.5. The Buyer registering in the e-shop and ordering goods undertakes to protect and not to disclose the login data to anyone.

  1. Rights and obligations of the Buyer.

3.1. The Buyer is entitled to buy goods in the e-shop in accordance with the procedures established by these Rules and the other informational sections of this e-shop.

3.2. The Buyer undertakes to accept the goods ordered and pay for them the price agreed.

3.3. In case of a change in the data provided in the Buyer's registration form, the Buyer must immediately update them.

3.4. The Buyer undertakes not to transfer its login data to third parties. If the Buyer loses the login data, it must immediately inform the Seller about this by communication tools referred to in the section "Contacts".

3.5. The Buyer using the e-shop agrees with these Rules of purchase-sale and obligates to follow them as well as not to violate the legal acts of the Republic of Lithuania.

  1. Rights and obligations of the Seller.

4.1. The Seller undertakes to provide all the conditions for the Buyer to have appropriate access to the services provided by the e-shop.

4.2. If the Buyer is trying to prejudice the stability and safety of the work of the Seller's e-shop or breach its obligations, the Seller is entitled to immediately and without notice limit or suspend the Buyer's access to the e-shop or, in exceptional cases, withdraw the Buyer's registration.

4.3. The Seller undertakes to respect the Buyer's right to the privacy of the personal information possessed by the Buyer provided in the registration form of the e-shop.

4.4. The Seller undertakes to deliver the goods ordered by the Buyer to the Buyer's address provided. 

  1. Ordering of goods, prices, settlement procedure, and time limits.

5.1. The Buyer has the opportunity to buy around the clock, 7 days per week.

5.2. The Contract comes into force from the moment when the Buyer clicks on the button "Confirm the Order", and after the receipt of the order the Seller shall confirm it - send the confirmation mail to the e-mail address provided by the Buyer.

5.3. The prices of goods in the e-shop and in the order form shall be presented in euros, including VAT.

5.4. The Buyer shall settle for the goods in one of these ways:

5.4.1. payment using e-banking - this is the prepayment using the e-banking system used by the Buyer. The Buyer shall transfer the money to the settlement account of the e-shop. Liability for the safety of the data, in this case, shall come to the relevant bank because all the monetary operations take place in the e-banking system of the bank.

5.4.2. Settlement by bank transfer - this is the prepayment when the Buyer having printed the order and come to the nearest branch of the bank transfers the money to the settlement account of the e-shop.

5.5. The Buyer undertakes to immediately pay for the goods. Only upon the receipt of the payment for the goods the consignment of the goods shall be started to be formed and the delivery deadline - to be calculated.

  1. Delivery of goods.

6.1. The goods shall be delivered to the Buyer in the territory of the European Union countries within 2-5 working days, countries outside of Europe 3-7 working days from the receipt of the payment for the goods.

6.2. The Buyer that has chosen the delivery service when ordering undertakes to precisely specify the delivery place of the goods.

6.3. The Buyer undertakes to accept the goods themselves. In case the Buyer cannot accept the goods themselves, whereas the goods have been delivered to the address indicated by the Buyer, the Buyer shall not have the right to bring the claims to the Seller for the delivery of goods to an unsuitable subject.

6.4. The goods shall be delivered by the Seller or a representative authorized by the Buyer (courier).

6.5. The Seller shall deliver the goods to the Buyer in accordance with the time limits provided in the descriptions of the goods. These time limits are preliminary, in addition, shall not be applied in the cases when the Seller's warehouse does not contain the goods desired, and the Buyer shall be informed about the shortage of the goods ordered. Together the Buyer agrees that in exceptional cases the presentation of the goods can be delayed because of unexpected circumstances beyond the Seller's control. In this case, the Seller undertakes to immediately contact the Buyer and harmonize the conditions of the presentation of the goods.

6.6. In all cases the Seller shall be discharged from any liability for the violation of the time limits of the delivery of the goods if the goods are not presented or presented not on time to the Buyer due to the Buyer's fault or due to the circumstances beyond the Seller's control.

6.7. The Buyer must in all cases immediately inform the Seller if the consignment has been presented in a crumpled or otherwise damaged package, if the consignment contains unordered goods or an inadequate amount thereof, incomplete combination of the good.

6.8. The Buyer having noticed the damages of the packaging of the good during the presentation of the good must in any case indicate the remarks in the delivery document of the consignment provided by a courier or write a separate act for such damages. The Buyer must do this in the presence of the courier. Without the performance of such actions, the Seller shall be discharged from liability against the Buyer for the damages of the goods related to the damages for the packaging which the Buyer has not remarked in the courier's delivery document of the good.

  1. Guarantees of quality of goods.

7.1. The data of each good sold in the e-shop shall be collectively indicated in the description of a good existing near every good.

  1. 2. The Seller shall not be liable for the fact that the goods in the e-shop by their color, form or other parameters may differ from the real size, form or color of the goods due to the features of a monitor being used by the Buyer.

7.3. If the Seller has not issued a guarantee of quality for certain types of goods, the guarantee granted by the relevant legal acts shall be in force. 

  1. Return and replacement of goods.

8.1. When the Buyer is returning the goods, it is essential to follow these conditions:

8.1.1. preferably, but not required, that the good returnable shall be in the original clean packaging;

8.1.2. the good returnable shall be of the same configuration as it has been received by the Buyer;

8.1.3. the good returnable shall be neat;

8.1.4. the shelf life of the good returnable shall not be expired;

8.1.5. a written request indicating the desire to return the Buyer's money paid or replace the goods with a quality one shall be provided;

8.1.6. a document confirming the acquisition of the good shall be provided (receipt, invoice, document confirming the acceptance of the good).

8.2. The Seller is entitled not to receive the goods returned by the Buyer if the Buyer does not follow the procedure of the return of goods established in Article 8.1.

8.3. While returning not the right good and/or not quality goods, the Seller shall obligate to take back such goods and replace them with the analogous appropriate goods.

8.4. In case the Seller does not have the appropriate goods for a replacement, the amount paid shall be returned to the Buyer, except the delivery price.

  1. Liability of the Buyer and the Seller.

9.1. The Buyer shall be fully liable for the correctness of the Buyer's personal data. If the Buyer does not provide the precise personal data in the registration form, the Seller shall not be liable for the consequences caused thereby and becomes entitled to require from the Buyer the compensation for the direct losses suffered.

9.2. The Buyer shall be liable for the actions carried out by using this e-shop.

9.3. The Buyer having registered shall be liable for the transfer of its personal data to the third parties. If a third party uses the services provided by the e-shop logged into the e-shop using the Buyer's login data, the Seller considers this person as the Buyer.

9.4. The Seller shall be discharged from any liability in cases when the damages arise due to the fact that the Buyer has not become familiar with these Rules taking into account the Seller's recommendations, although such possibility has been given to it.

9.5. If the Seller's e-shop includes links to the e-websites of the other companies, institutions, organizations or persons, the Seller shall not be liable for the information contained or the activity carried out therein, shall not maintain, control those websites as well as represent those companies or persons.

9.6. In case of the occurrence of damage, the guilty Party shall pay the other Party for the direct losses. 

  1. Marketing and information.

10.1. The Seller can initiate at its discretion various sales in the e-shop.

10.2. The Seller is entitled to unilaterally, without separate notification, amend the conditions of the sales, as well as eliminate them. Any amendment or elimination of the conditions or procedure of the sales shall be valid only to the front, i. e. from the moment they were made.

10.3. The Seller shall send all the notifications by the connection tools indicated by the Buyer in the registration form.

10.4. The Buyer shall send all the notifications and questions through the telephones and e-mail addresses indicated in the "Contacts" section in the Seller's e-shop.

10.5. The Seller shall not be liable if the Buyer does not receive the information or confirmation notes because of the internet connection, or blockages in the networks of the providers of the e-mail services.

  1. Final provisions.

11.1. These Rules of purchase-sale have been made in accordance with the laws and legal acts of the Republic of Lithuania.

11.2. All disagreements arising from the performance of these Rules shall be resolved by negotiation. In the event of the failure to agree disputes shall be settled according to the procedure established by the laws of the Republic of Lithuania.