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Antioxidants - what are they and where are they abundant?

What is it?
Antioxidants are molecules that neutralize free radicals (unstable molecules) that can damage our cells. ...
Free radicals can cause damage if their levels in the body become too high. It is they that can be associated with many diseases, such as diabetes, heart disease, etc.​​
An imbalance in the balance between free radicals and antioxidants is called oxidative stress
Long-term oxidative stress can damage DNA and other important molecules in the body. These lesions increase the risk of cancer, heart disease, and are believed to affect the aging process. ...
promotes the formation of free radicals and oxidative stress
How to protect yourself from free radicals?
The body has an oxidative defense that helps control the entry of free radicals into the body
We can strengthen this protection by consuming foods rich in antioxidants. They are especially abundant in fruits, vegetables and other whole foods of plant origin. By using them regularly, the amount of antioxidants in the body will increase and thus you will protect yourself from damage caused by oxidative stress.​​
fruits and vegetables that are rich in antioxidants fruttberry freeze-dried and freeze-dried vegetable, fruit and berry powder mixtures are an excellent source of antioxidants that fight free radicals and can help reduce the risk of various diseases, delay aging processes and maintain brain health.