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Why use fiber?

Is your digestion "on strike", are you tired, and have your skin's health deteriorated? You may be lacking fiber. Here's a quick reminder about these important substances for the body: what benefits do they provide, how much should you consume, and how can fruttberry help you replenish your fiber intake? 🍓🍏

According to nutritionists, one of the most common problems in the diet is insufficient fiber. On average, in Lithuania, only 16 g of fiber is consumed per day, although women need to consume 25 g and men 38 g.

What are the benefits of fiber?

1.     Lowers blood cholesterol levels . Soluble fiber helps maintain blood cholesterol levels by increasing cholesterol absorption and reducing bad cholesterol levels. This is beneficial for vascular and heart health.

2.     Regulates blood sugar levels . The body takes longer to break down foods high in fiber, so glucose does not enter the bloodstream as quickly - this helps maintain more stable blood sugar levels.

3.     Helps prevent constipation . Fiber can speed up digestion and prevent constipation. Insoluble fiber stimulates bowel movements, increasing stool bulk because the body does not digest insoluble fiber.

4.  Reduces cancer risk . Fiber may act as a preventative measure against cancer. One reason may be that some fiber  species, such as pectin in apples, have antioxidant properties.


How to recognize a fiber deficiency?

  •         Frequent constipation
  •        Increased demand for sweets
  •        Abdominal bloating
  •        Unexplained weight gain
  •        Skin rash, acne
  •        Increased fatigue
  •        Impaired concentration
  •        Poor quality sleep

The fiber you get with fruttberry is:

-       Simple : the mixes are easy to take with you and no equipment is required for preparation. Just add the contents of the mix to 200/300 ml of water and enjoy a tasty and healthy drink. It is a very easy way to replenish the body with fiber when there is no time to cook.

Delicious and quick : each mix has a different flavor and can be prepared in just 30 seconds. For a tastier meal, the powder can be added to smoothies, porridge, or your favorite flavored yogurt.

100% natural : all ingredients are from nature, without any additives, sweeteners, preservatives or flavor enhancers. One mixture contains 200 g of fruits, berries and vegetables, which help to quickly absorb a larger amount of fiber.

Fruttberry Fiber is beneficial for gut health, weight control, cholesterol balance, and good digestion. It's a great way to supplement your diet with fiber and take care of your digestive tract.